Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

This picture edited is my favorite.  Here is the before and after...the before was shot on "manual, tungsten".  The after has a lot more exposure and has a sepia quality to it, however, it is particularly washed out.  I might be the only one who likes some photos very washed out, but I think it offers a quality that can be intriguing.  I also increased all the cool colors in it, and decreased all the warm tones.

This picture is my favorite straight from the camera...it is really easy to work with because there is nothing particularly awful about it originally.  I can edit a lot with what I am given here, and altering colors and exposure can easily make this picture much more interesting.

This picture in my opinion does not work for me...the bricks are attracting way too much highlighting and light, making the entire right side look fuzzy.  I edited this picture and changed the colors, which helped.